So, Justin Timberlake and I went on a date last week, I filmed part of the new planet Earth in Madagascar, and I have a money tree growing in my living room. OK fine, none of this is true, but in my head, this is exactly how the phrase “pics or it didn’t happen” was born.
Don’t deny it, more times than not we are drinking, eating, and well, living for the instagram which is why I felt compelled to bring to you DC’s most instagram worthy cocktails. You’re welcome.
- For your hung over friend that can’t hang until they’ve had a cocktail AND a meal. Stop by Buffalo & Bergen at Union Market for a lox and loaded.
Photo by Farrah Skeiky - For your friend that wears shorts on the first day of spring even if it’s snowing. Archipelago brings to you flaming pineapples any time of year i.e. a little vacation oasis in the middle of U street. No matter what anyone says drinking out of a pineapple in December isn’t weird, it’s..awesome. They’re just jealous.
Photo by Archipelago - For your wanna-be NYC Loopy Doopy friends. Guess what, D.C. has popsicle cocktails too! Swing by Ris for one of these beauties.
Photo by Michael Oliver - For your bad and boujee friends. Barmini‘s got the fancy cocktails covered.
Photo by Rey Lopez - For your friends that believe beer shouldn’t only be enjoyed out of a boot during Oktoberfest, but rather year round on Dacha’s outdoor patio.
Photo by Dacha Beer Garden - For your friends that never wanna grow up, you can grab an adult milkshake over at Ted’s Bulletin.
Photo by Katherine Kalec - For your brunch friends (I mean are there any other kinds of friends?) Farmers Fishers Bakers has you covered with the brunch bowl so you can eat like a farmer and drink like a fisher.
Photo by Stephanie Breijo - For the friend that always wants to share meals at brunch. This giant moscow mule at 801 should cover more than just you and your BFF, in fact it may be big enough for the entire brunch table.
Photo by Eric Heidenberger - For when you lure your cat lady friend out of the house. Go to Southern Efficiency and get this drink right meow.
Photo by Michelle Schlotes 10. For all my whiskey drinkers out there that need to please their lady with a classy cocktail first, Dram & Grain is your ticket to a successful date night. After all, it’s only down the stairs from Jack Rose!
Photo by Emilio Pabon 11. For all the ladies still out searching for their pot of gold post St. Patty’s day. You can get this drink year round at Madhatter.
Photo by Eric Heidenberger