Everything Else New

Feature, Hill Betch

#Funemployment in DC

As Majority Leader Reid’s recent retirement announcement has reminded us all, no Capitol Hill staffer is safe from unemployment. It can happen any time, election season or not. But when election season rolls around, the infinite wisdom of the American people can have us on our way out of these […]


The DC Snow Tease (as told by dogs)

Summer is hot, spring is humid, and fall is too short. But no season in DC teases us more than winter. While our friends to the north get glorious, school/work cancelling snow, we get rain. Here are 10 dogs who understand your DC snow tease issues: 1). When you look […]


How Foodies Spent New Year’s

We asked some of the area’s foodies and bloggers what they did for New Year’s Eve, and if they had any traditions? “I make black eyed peas and collards. The peas are supposed to bring good luck & the collards bring money.” – Johnna of Johnna Knows Good Food “I […]