The Perfect Garden Frittata

Summer is here, gardens are blooming, and day-long outdoor engagements and late night outdoor parties are in full swing. If you’re running around like most of us, there’s a chance that the fridge is looking less stocked than usual, and you definitely don’t remember promising you’d host brunch when you saw your friends the night before. Well, no need to fret because this summer veggie frittata recipe is extremely easy to make and won’t break the bank. One trip to your local farmer’s market or grocery store, and for under $10 you’ve got the perfect summer vegetarian brunch dish.

Here’s what you’ll need:

– 8 eggs
– Fresh baby spinach (about two large handfuls)
– Yellow onion (1 cup, diced)
– Green bell pepper (1 cup, diced)
– Mushrooms (1/2 cup, sliced), or chorizo for the non-vegetarian version (2 links)
– Goat cheese (about 2 tablespoons)
– Heavy cream (3/4 cup)
– Salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano, rosemary (all to taste)
– Hot sauce (2 or 3 dashes)

Now that you have all of your ingredients, here’s what you do:

– Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Dice your onion and peppers into small cubes (or slices if you prefer), place into a pan with a small amount of olive oil and cook on medium heat until almost fork tender.

– Next, roughly chop your spinach and slice your mushrooms (or pre-cooked chorizo) and add into the same pan. Cook until spinach is slightly wilted. Remove from heat and cool.

– Combine your eggs, heavy cream, a few dashes of hot sauce (to taste) and your seasonings (again, to preference and taste) in a large bowl. Whip until ingredients are incorporated. Add your cooled and cooked vegetable mixture to the bowl and stir to combine all ingredients.

– Pour into a greased casserole dish and cook in the oven for 45-50 minutes, or until the center has set all the way through.

– Remove and let it rest for 10-15 minutes.

– Place a cookie sheet on top of the casserole dish, hold firmly, and using oven mitts, flip frittata onto cookie sheet. Now, place a serving platter on top of the frittata pressing firmly to the cookie sheet and flip again to turn it right side up (for presentation of course).

– Slice into sections and garnish with fresh parsley.

I hope you’ll find this recipe as delicious as it is easy. Enjoy!

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