DC Harvest uses Sabra Hummus to make delicious hummus caramelized onion toast. Hummus week has hit DC HARD this year! 1 city, 7 days 10 restaurants, lots of hummus. For the entire week, 10 restaurants have featured an exclusive sabra hummus special dish on their menu. All restaurants were given […]
Tag: DC Harvest
DC Harvest’s Spring Menu
DC Harvest is a restaurant that flows with the seasons, which means what you eat is what is currently in line with nature. All natural and all good for you. Every season they change the menu (keeping some gems and most loved items a constant) and this time Hungry Lobbyist […]
15 Ways to Eat Your Way Through Cherry Blossom Season
While slow-walking tourists, weekend Uber price hikes, and enough Claritin D to turn the entire left side of your face numb tend to be the hallmarks of a DC resident’s Cherry Blossom season, it is our duty to report that one can also enjoy blossoms of the edible (and drinkable!) variety […]
DC Harvest: Fresh, Beautiful & Local
I’m a sucker for anything or anyone that stands for bringing business and giving back together while making everything look beautiful. At DC Harvest I found that very nature embedded into every ingredient and dish. From their greens that are bought from Little Wild Things (the only woman’s owned garden […]