Ok, first things first: yes, BLT Prime by David Burke is in the Trump hotel. And, yes, there’s a greater than zero chance you’ll see a number of recognizable faces from the administration. But no matter your political persuasion, you should not let that influence you in one way or the other with regard to your decision to brunch at BLT Prime. David Burke is pulling out all the stops, especially during brunch. The building is a beautiful, light-filled space that makes you want to stay a while and enjoy a few cocktails even after you’ve finished your meal. We had the opportunity to check it out earlier this month and were blown away. Right from the start, the service was fantastic, and each course was as memorable as the last. Check out the stars of the show:

You’ve probably seen this bacon on just about every DC instagram account at some point in time. It really is worth the hype. First of all, it’s at least 1/8 of an inch thick. Not kidding. The pepper rub and maple glaze really compliment each other. And when it’s presented to the table, the server torches a sprig of rosemary on the end of each clothesline, which infuses the faintest hint of rosemary into your pig. The pickle was confusing, if not a welcome surprise. For you pickle lovers out there, imagine a classic dill spear that’s been hanging under smoky bacon for a while. It’s odd. But a treat.

This was a surprise standout for us. Seeing it on the menu didn’t rile up too much excitement, but the flavors were incredible. The pancakes are soft and pillowy, filled with big chunks of crab and kernels of corn. The “corn sauce” is like a classic corn and crab bisque, and it doesn’t linger too much on the pancakes so they don’t get soggy. Of course, the Old Bay will please any Marylander in the group and rounds out the flavor profile with a little kick.

For those of you hating on salads at brunch, slow your roll. This may be the best salad in town. Fresh, buttery lobster, generous avocado, perfectly soft-boiled eggs, and a sharp cheddar to brighten it up. It’s served with a homemade ranch, that we all decided we could drink with a straw if given the opportunity.

If you’re looking to impress a brunch date, this is what you’re going to order. First of all: caviar and lobster before noon? Yes, please. Second of all: that’s not just any bowl that it’s served in. That’s half of an ostrich egg, and yes, it is ostrich egg that is scrambled. (Don’t worry, it tastes like chicken egg.)

You know meatloaf, and you know beef Wellington. Now meet their child, meatloaf wellington, another standout of this meal. It’s a delicious meatloaf topped with chopped mushrooms and a slab of foie gras, wrapped in puff pastry and finished with a warm truffle sauce. HELLO. This guy is too good.

Beware – objects are larger than they appear. In retrospect I should have stuck my hand in this picture for scale. This pork shank was HUGE. The skin was pleasantly crisp and made for the perfect vehicle to scoop up any leftover sauces on plates. It’s on the brunch menu, but you could have this at dinner and be more than satisfied.

See that pink goop below the delightful cheesecake pops? That was the only downside of this meal. It was bubble gum flavored whipped cream. Bubble gum. It tasted like every child’s worst fluoride dream at the dentist. Why WHY, David Burke, would you do this to us? It also has nothing to do with the chocolate, vanilla, strawberry flavors on the trees. Regular whipped cream will suffice next time, please.
So, if you like things with lobster or things with foie gras or things with caviar or if you’re just trying to get a brunch time peep of Wilbur Ross’ custom slippers, you’re going to want to get to BLT Prime for brunch as soon as possible.