Shrewd diners should know that not all DC’s Restaurant Week menus are built the same. Some spots offer pared down menus; others limit portion sizes: chances are you’ve come across a place or two that does this.
And look, restaurant finances are what they are. I’m not here to critique restaurants, I’m here to celebrate them. Specifically, Falls Church’s 2941.
I first tried 2941’s french-inspired dinner last May, and I very much dug Executive Chef Bertrand Chemel’s cooking and the desserts from Pastry Chef Nicholas Pine. As a Falls Church-adjacent resident now myself (still technically Arlington, though!), 2941 is in my backyard and worthy of celebration. So when I saw it on the participant list for DC’s Restaurant Week I was there.
For $35 a person, before wine … did I mention 2941 has a somm? … we ate like kings and queens, filling our hungry bodies with some of the finest French cooking in northern Virginia before leaving full. Not something to take for granted.
Here’s what we ate:

Restaurant week is over now, of course. But if part of the purpose for this week is to encourage diners to try new-to-you spots and recommend them, consider this a recommendation. I’ll see you there.