Now that inauguration week is over, we can finally return to our regularly scheduled “receptioning” season. No better way to kick that off than with The [annual] Washington Auto Show! Here until February 5th, you have almost a week left to check it out.
Kindly invited by GM/Chevrolet team to attend, I was excited to learn more about the 2017 North American Car of the Year – the Chevrolet Bolt EV! It is top rated in safety, can go 238 miles on one battery charge, and dang, it looks good.
In between checking out the cars, the Chevy team so generously hooked us up with beverages and carving stations. They even had a “playing card” photo booth. What more could you want on a thirsty Thursday evening?

Oh yes, that’s right, you probably want to see some awesome car pics. Now, I don’t claim to know barely anything about cars, but I can spot a looker when I see one. Check out some of my favs below!
So grab your friends, get some drinks, and spend a few hours ogling these beautiful whips throughout the huge convention center. You’ll definitely get your steps in.
For tickets, please click HERE.