Chipotle dropped its highly anticipated queso in all its locations today. I love Chipotle so much that for the past two years, I’ve participated in Chipotle Sunday with my neighbors (more accurately described as best friends Keri, Allison & Hannah). It’s a fun tradition, and occasionally sparked a conversation about Chipotle’s lack of queso/chips and queso. Personally, I never quite felt my bowl was missing something. Today, I can tell you for certain, it is not. Chipotle’s queso is not good.

What bothered me most was the temperature. The queso was served room temperature. Who wants cold cheese that’s meant to be hot? I like my queso fresh out of the oven and melty. Next, it didn’t even quite taste cheesy…just goopy. The peppers felt like they were thrown in last minute – they added a hint of seasoning (I’d barely call it spice) and minimal texture to the pudding like queso dip.
I appreciate that Chipotle makes “food with integrity” and “real ingredients” but to be honest, I don’t know how much integrity anyone is ever really maintaining when inhaling hot melted cheese into their mouths via tortilla chip. Chipotle, please leave the queso to those willing to forgo some integrity for some tastebud satisfaction.
I’ve heard friends say “don’t waste the calories” before and never fully got it. Now I do. I’ll stick with my “extra cheese please, yes sour cream” for my Chipotle dairy flare.